World HR Ads

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World HR are the rabble-rousers of the human resources world. That being the case, Adrian Elton Creative* was a natural fit when it came to developing four small space press ads that appeared across the year in a prominent Australian human resources magazine.

Each ad highlighted a different dimension of the World HR offering.

Given the limited space of the quarter page ad format, the decision was made to develop ads that were driven by strong visuals, matched by equally strong headlines. A wry sense of humour transformed fairly dry benefits into points of difference that were easily understood.

The ads also featured the new corporate identity that Adrian Elton Creative* designed for World HR. This included a circlular element with topographic contours of the sort that appear on altitude maps. The idea being that World HR helps their clients navigate the unpredictable terrain of the ever evolving human resources landscape.

World HR Ads

World HR Ads


World HR


Adrian Elton Creative*


Press Ads




Graphic Design

Art Direction

Finished Art


Grant Richard Krupp

Concept Co-Development

World HR are the rabble-rousers of the human resources world. That being the case, Adrian Elton Creative* was a natural fit when it came to developing four small space press ads that appeared across the year in a prominent Australian human resources magazine.

Each ad highlighted a different dimension of the World HR offering.

Given the limited space of the quarter page ad format, the decision was made to develop ads that were driven by strong visuals, matched by equally strong headlines. A wry sense of humour transformed fairly dry benefits into points of difference that were easily understood.

The ads also featured the new corporate identity that Adrian Elton Creative* designed for World HR. This included a circlular element with topographic contours of the sort that appear on altitude maps. The idea being that World HR helps their clients navigate the unpredictable terrain of the ever evolving human resources landscape.

World HR Ads

World HR Ads